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Extension Type > Acrobat Plug-in
Items [67]


Use OpenOptions, an Acrobat Plug-in, to change the default appearance of PDFs when they are opened within Acrobat. Acrobat offers a built-in facility to control... (more detail)


PageManager, an Acrobat Plug-in, provides facilities to manage PDFs. Using PageManager, create, remove, insert, and replace pages from within files. This functionality is similar to... (more detail)

PDF/X Checkup

PDF/X Checkup v3.0 is an Acrobat Plug-in for creating and preflighting PDF/X-1a and PDF/X-3 files. Version 3.0 adds several new... (more detail)


pdfAutoOptimizer helps to avoid incorrect print results caused by PDF transparencies. This Acrobat Plug-in downsamples transparencies automatically and ensures proper print output. Minimize time loss... (more detail)


Easily convert colors from within a PDF. With pdfColorConvert, callas launches another sophisticated tool for professional PDF editing. The Plug-In for Adobe Acrobat 6 and... (more detail)

pdfColorConvert CLI

The command line version offers the same degree of simplicity without sacrificing quality. In addition, any of the numerous parameters hidden from the user of... (more detail)


pdfCorrect detects and corrects numerous PDF problems -- a preflight check pinpoints them and pdfCorrect solves them in just a few seconds. The tool puts an... (more detail)

pdfCorrect CLI

Correcting issues in PDFs have become reliable. Tired of running into stumbling blocks like Smooth shades or Form XObjects? No more with pdfCorrect! The command... (more detail)


With pdfInspektor2 the user enters a new era of preflighting and automated correction of PDFs for prepress production.
While even the tiniest detail of a... (more detail)

pdfInspektor3 CLI

Reflecting the same preflighting technology to be found in the Preflight module shipped with Adobe Acrobat 6.0 and 7.0 Professional, pdfInspektor CLI offers a straightforward... (more detail)


pdfLayerMaker is a tool that enables the user to create layers in PDF documents that's every bit as easy as it is fast. It supplements... (more detail)


pdfToolbox2 combines three Acrobat Plug-ins for 6 and 7 that enable users to play safe with PDFs. This bundle, offering state-of-the-art PDF technology for an... (more detail)

PitStop Professional

PitStop Professional is the first, and only, comprehensive PDF-editing tool. It allows for complete visual editing and manipulation of any PDF from any source.
Its... (more detail)

PitStop Server

PitStop Server has brought the efficiency of automated workflow to PDF. Now PitStop Server 1.5 extends this power even further with enhanced-processing performance (more than... (more detail)


PrintCapture transparently keeps track of the entire print history of a document. This is especially useful in departments which bill for color prints. PrintCapture indicates... (more detail)

PrintShop Mail

PrintShop Mail is an application for variable printing. PrintShop Mail does only one job. It personalizes layouts. Using familiar layout and database tools, create the... (more detail)

Quark Print Collection

Quark Print Collection is a feature-packed set of prepress tools for QuarkXPress® 7 and Adobe® Acrobat® 7, the industry's most-popular publishing applications. The intuitive Quark... (more detail)

Quite a Box of Tricks

The aim of Quite A Box Of Tricks is to make easy, commonly needed PDF functions that were difficult, time consuming, expensive, or just impossible... (more detail)

Quite Imposing

Imposing, the first software to generate printer's spreads from PDFs, breaks the mold of imposition tools. Instead of a monolithic approach to setting up a... (more detail)

Quite Imposing Plus

Imposing Plus, the first software to generate printer's spreads from PDFs, breaks the mold of imposition tools. Instead of a monolithic approach to setting up... (more detail)

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